Universitas 21 Global Education and Senior Leaders Meeting 2024

Thursday Sessions
Thursday, 24 October 10:45am-12noon

The Curriculum is Full! Navigating the complexities of integrating Global Competencies into University Education

In a world increasingly interconnected, preparing students for a global future is imperative. Furthermore, there are increasing pressures to equip students with a diverse array of skills, dispositions, and values to navigate the complexities and demands of contemporary society and the quickly evolving workforce. This interactive session delves into the complexities of integrating global competencies into university education amidst a challenging landscape where staff and curriculums are at capacity. Participants will engage in speculative design, worldbuilding activities, and creative problem-solving discussions, exploring the possibilities and challenges of incorporating increasingly globalised skills and perspectives for leading global universities.  


Prof Joaquín Guerra Achem, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Dr Jack Tsao, The University of Hong Kong

Audience interest

Education innovation

Thursday, 24 October 10:45am-11:45noon

From Chile to New Zealand: Case Studies for Enhancing International Experiences for Indigenous Students and Students with Disabilities


Making overseas study possible for all students is not a solo act. It takes a team. From those working in the international mobility office, scholarship support, inclusion and student affairs offices, pastoral care, and within the faculty—each type of stakeholder has a vital role to play in increasing access to learning abroad for all learners. Working together is vital; it is also challenging.

In this session, participants will learn real examples of how better engagement with campus stakeholders and the application of design thinking methods have resulted in success stories for non-dominant study abroad groups, specifically students with disabilities and those who are indigenous. During the session’s workshop portion, attendees will practice applying key design thinking principles to sample challenges and will be invited to share their insights with the wider group. Resources will be provided to attendees for translating and contextualising topic principles into solution ideas for outbound mobility challenges at their home institutions.

The aim of this session is to generate interest among the Educational Innovation and Student Experience groups in collaborative design processes that prioritize equity, inclusion and diversity. Additionally, the session aims to enhance the physical or virtual mobility of students within U21 while promoting a strong sense of co-responsibility and global engagement.


Cristian Díaz Castro, UC Chile
Bobbie Noloboff, University of Auckland

Audience interest

Student Experience

  • Equity Diversity and Inclusion and its relevance to international education
  • Collaborative design
Thursday, 24 October 10:45-11:45am

Transformational Global Education through UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2022, UNESCO released a report that argued for universities to take a stronger role in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Universities are incorporating the SDGs in various ways into their core mission areas. However, universities are often pursuing their own activities without sufficient mechanisms for sharing best practices and or galvanizing collective action across the higher education sector. The new book, Global Goals, Global Education: Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (eds. Jolynn Shoemaker and Joanna Regulska, UC Davis) brings together multiple approaches from universities around the world, including U21 member universities. The 17 SDGs resonate with students, giving them a basis for considering and addressing the complexities of the world around them and the importance of multiple lenses and experiences in formulating solutions. U21 plays a crucial role in developing the student leadership skills that are necessary to achieve the 2030 Agenda, in collaboration across countries and contexts. This session will provide a unique opportunity for the U21 members to discuss how to leverage this agenda for transformational teaching and learning, and how the U21 network can be leveraged for making accelerated progress on these goals throughout higher education globally.


Dr Jolynn Shoemaker, University of California Davis
Professor Joanna Regulska, University of California Davis
Ms Liang Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Ms Patricia Montaño, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Audience interest

Senior Leaders

  • Universities’ role in delivering the sustainable development goals
  • Embedding sustainable development in the curriculum


Thursday, 24 October 11:45-12:30

U21 Policy Impact School Development Workshop

Building on the interest and discussions with Senior Leaders, this session will workshop how the network will develop a U21 Sustainability Policy Impact School.



Audience interest

Senior Leaders

  • Those interested in developing a U21 Sustainability Policy Impact school


Thursday, 24 October 1:30-2:30pm

Personalized education to “make every student better”

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, personalized education has emerged as a powerful approach to cater to the diverse needs and learning styles of students. Key to this is the philosophy of curiosity-driven learning to transform students' curiosity into a self-motivated acquisition of knowledge and to encourage their inquisitiveness and the exploration into the unknown. Such experience will not only enhance their academic achievements but also help to advance their future success with a life-long impact. This process should not only foster the spirit of self-challenge but also the appreciation of cooperation and different cultures, thus, cultivating them to become scientific or societal leaders with a global perspective.

In this session, Prof. Junliang Zhang, Director of Academic Affairs Office of SJTU, together with his colleague Prof. Weiliang Xia, Deputy Dean of Zhiyuan College at SJTU, and Prof. SOW Chorng-Haur from National University of Singapore (NUS) will give their insights into approaches to personalized education. SJTU has always contributed to equipping students for global futures by providing personalized learning and development opportunities based on students' strengths, interests, and career goals, so as to achieve the school's educational philosophy of "making every student better". In particular, the Zhiyuan college at SJTU strives to provide students with a first-class education intellectively and spiritually, and 15 years after its inception, has generated impacts in talent education at home and abroad with alumni emerging in various sectors. A new education programme known as College of Humanities and Sciences has been developed at NUS to emphasize many global competencies and interdisciplinary thinking in undergraduate students.

Attendees will discuss approaches of innovation education that encourages students to think wide beyond boundaries but also deep into the core of questions, to build repertoire of abilities ready for facing unprecedented challenges and solving complex problems, particularly in the era of AI.


Prof Junliang Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Prof Weiliang Xia, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Prof Chorng-Haur Sow, National University of Singapore

Audience interest

Education innovation

Student Experience

Senior Leaders

Thursday, 24 October 2:30-4pm

Graduate Success: preparing students for a global future

What are the national and global influences impacting student and graduate success, and how have institutions responded globally to ensure continued relevance and importance of higher education?

This session will provide presentations from each institution on different approaches to national and global graduate success, with a focus on several factors: national political contexts; institutional strategic focus; student and industry expectations. 

There will be an exploration of key themes in each institution (similarities and differences), followed by Q&A session. To facilitate audience engagement, there will be an open padlet available throughout to enable questions to be streamed into themes.


Dr Dino Willox, The University of Queensland
Mr Jim Lowe, University of Connecticut
Ms Joan Tay-Wong, National University of Singapore
Ms Bernie Burke, University College Dublin

Audience interest

Student experience

  • The intersection of employability and globalisation
Thursday, 24 October 2:30-4pm

COIL: Comparing Experiences and Insights from Across the Globe

In the international education field the need to promote international learning experiences at home and within the academic curriculum has become evident due to the generally exclusive nature of in-person study abroad experiences on the one hand, and increasing globalization on the other, requiring students to develop the skills they will need during their to cooperate across cultures and solve problems of a global nature. 

In this session, we´ll explore the theoretical and practical interpretations of collaborative online international learning and other similar approaches to global classrooms and cross-border educational initiatives.     

Examples of within discipline and cross-discipline experiences from four universities will be presented and shared. Participants will contribute interpretations and insights from their own contexts to create a richer understanding of the topic.


Ms Maribel Flórez, UC Chile
Prof Cecilia Goria, University of Nottingham
Ms Patricia Montaño, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Prof Lucy Cooker, University of Nottingham

Audience interest

Education Innovation, Student Experience

  • Internationalisation at home
  • Developing a skills-based curriculum
Thursday, 24 October 2:30-4pm

External Challenges Facing Universities and their Impact on Internationalisation Agendas, Part 2

This session aims to provide an open and engaging platform for U21 Senior Leaders to share experiences and learnings from across the network and discuss and develop strategies to address the multifaceted external challenges facing universities today.

Further detail to come.



Audience interest

Senior Leaders

Thursday, 24 October 4-5pm

Plenary session

This session will provide the opportunity for all delegates to connect and reflect upon the sessions so far.



Audience interest

All delegates

Thursday, 24 October 5-6pm

U21 Officers Meeting

This meeting will be an opportunity for those U21 Officers attending the event to meet as a group. This informal catch-up will provide an opportunity for U21 Officers to catch up in person and to discuss topics of mutual interest.


Isabelle Nilsson, U21 Officers Group Co-Chair, International Coordinator, Lund University

Audience interest

U21 Officers

Thursday, 24 October 5-6pm

Educational Innovation Steering Group

This is a closed meeting for members of the U21 Educational Innovation Steering Group.