Universitas 21 Global Education and Senior Leaders Meeting 2024

Jun Ni

Dean of the Global Institute of Future Technology
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Professor Jun Ni is currently the Chief Manufacturing Officer and co-President of Engineering and Manufacturing and of Research and Development at CATL. He also serves as the founding Dean of the Global Institute of Future Technology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. From 2006 through 2014, he served as the founding Dean of the University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute.

Professor Jun Ni is the emeritus Shien-Ming (Sam) Wu Collegiate Professor of Manufacturing Science and emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan, USA. Professor Ni’s research covers many topics in advanced manufacturing, including quality assurance, precision manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, and maintenance systems. He has published over 500 technical papers (Google citation 18,895, H-index 74), and supervised 100 PhD graduates and 70 MS graduates.

Selected honors and awards that Professor Ni received are the First Prize of Higher Education Innovation by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (2023), the World 20 Most Influential Professor in Smart Manufacturing by Society of Manufacturing Engineers (2020), Stephen Attwood Excellence Award in Engineering, the University of Michigan (2015), Alexander Schwarzkopf Award for Technology Innovation by National Science Foundation I/UCRC Association (2014), International Science and Technology Cooperation Award from the People’s Republic of China (2013), Gold Medal from Society of Manufacturing Engineers (2013), S. M. Wu Research Implementation Award from North American Manufacturing Research Institute (2013), the Magnolia Gold Medal from Shanghai Government (2010), Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award from American Society of Mechanical Engineering (2009), and Presidential Faculty Fellows Award from National Science Foundation (1994). He is an elected Fellow of International Society of Engineering Asset Management, International Society for Nanomanufacturing, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Society of Manufacturing Engineers.